Intro to Photography

PHOTO FUNDAMENTALS WITH GREG COHEN Develop a fluent understanding of camera, light and subject This course...

The Longterm Project

DEVELOP YOUR PROJECT FROM CONCEPT TO EXHIBITION Do you have an idea for a project? Have you already started? Are you...

Shooting Food: Soup to Nuts

Are the images you make of your food stale? Learn how to make stunning photos that make your mouth water! What...

Mindful Seeing

This class is designed to help you expand your approach to photography and the way you see. You’ll question the...

Private Lessons & Tutoring

Private Lessons & Tutoring

Private sessions are now available in Los Angeles, CA and Westport CT!! Private photo classes are for beginners who want to dip their toes into photography as well as advanced photographers who want to learn new skills or break out of molded patterns....
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